Monday, February 21, 2011


Hello My Dear Readers,
Greetings from New Mexico! I'm so sorry that it has been so long since my last entry. I really need to do a better job of updating. I keep saying to myself that I am not a great writer. I'm sure that this would change with practice. What better way to practice then on here? So I promise from this moment on, I will update more. That's a promise!
So here is an update on what I have been up to: I'm on tour! I am playing Mrs. Rachel Lynde in a touring production of Anne of Green Gables. It is with the same company that I worked for last year. I started this blog on that tour! Things have certainly come full-circle! This year's tour is great because we are going all over the country. I have never been to most of these states, so I am very excited. It has always been a goal of mine to go to all 50 states. With this tour, I am that much closer to my goal!
I am really looking forward to tomorrow because.......I am going to the Four Corners!!! Let me explain why this is a big deal for me. When I was in the third grade, in our social studies book there was a picture of a kid laying down at the Four Corners with each of his limbs in a different state. I thought that that was the coolest thing ever and I have always wanted to do that. Well, I am finally going to get the opportunity to go and I couldn't be more excited!! This is a life-long dream of mine!! I am going to e-mail my teacher the picture! I will be sure to post it on my next entry!
The show is also going really well. Anne of Green Gables is such a beautiful story and I am enjoying telling it everyday. We have been performing in some beautiful theatres and the audiences have been incredible! The cast is wonderful as well and we are having a blast seeing the country together! We bought authentic Texas cowboy boots in Terrell, TX and got to go to the Center of the Universe in Tulsa, OK and Harry Potter World in Orlando, FL. We also went to the Cadillac Ranch in Amarillo, TX. That was a really neat experience! You all need to go to these places!
In honor of my special experience tomorrow at the Four Corners, I am posting a youtube video of this incredible place!! Enjoy!!!!